Aaron Becker was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. His early influences include Phil Tippett's stop motion work and Joe Johnston's sketches. As a child, Aaron was fascinated more by the "art of" books than by the films themselves. He made his own animated films on a super 8 camera. After graduating as valedictorian at Baltimore City College High School in 1992, he went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies and Fine Art from Pomona College in Claremont, CA. He worked as a Graphic Designer for six years before deciding to further his studies. He went to the CCAC in San Francisco to study life drawing, then went on to the Art Center in Pasadena to study illustration. Aaron joined Doug Chiang and The Polar Express, therefore embarking on a career in the film industry. Currently lives in Tiburon, CA with his girlfriend and cat. Interests: Swimming, Meditation, art house cinema… |